Roots Review 39

The kids are alright!
Last Thursday's American Roots Live was the epitome of what our movement is all about... the kids. In a packed Bluetone Cafe full of musician's and fans of all ages American Roots music was the focus from blues to country to rock to free style jam.
Billy K & the Pocono Players laid down a solid set of roots based classic rock then backed Carl Van Camp who tore through some Elvis, Johnny Cash and George Jones (pic). Fans young and old soaked in the sweet sounds of yesterday.
Billy K was joined on stage by his 14 year old son Dolan Kutzman on Drums and 17 year old friend Tim Beery on Bass. Nick T on guitar and vocals played with nine year old Brent Meyers who took center stage this week playing his own strat in front of Ed Moore on drums and Chip Bush playing bass.
Nancy Colletti aired out her amazing voice while her children listened and 21 year old Michael Lopresti rocked electric with Matt Roman. Roman then free styled quite interestingly with Billy K - deep.
Other stand outs were Clay Reilly on trumpet. Kevin Tracy , keys, Jaimo Flynn on drums, Joe Matthews, bass Brian Becklin, guitar Sonny Young, guitar & vocals, some guy named Nasty Ned blowin' harp and with Arlene Schar in the house, many others.
Thanks to Elmore Magazine and publisher Suzanne Cadgene for their continued support of the effort, the Bluetone's Joe Karam, Doug, Aaron, Katelyn and Christine and thanks to all the parents for recognizing that American Roots Live Shows are a good place to bring the kids to grab a piece of history and expand a mind. For learning to play their instruments better on stage - which is an ultimate form of artistic expression - builds confidence in young people.
We all had fun. We're all proud.
Keeping it real,
Labels: American Roots Live, Billy K, Bluetone Cafe, Elmore Magazine, John Powers, Nasty Ned, Suzanne Cadgene, The Rail
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