Roots Review 29
Alright. We are all having fun at the American Roots Live celebrations at Crossroads in Garwood, NJ and the Bluetone Cafe in Easton, PA.
We've had the honor and privilege of hearing and playing with some of the most incredible, veteran musicians anywhere, like Johnny Charles, BB Brauswetter, Mike Caruso, Lee Fink, Gene Downin, Jake Jar el, Mike Flynn, Spiros Soukis, Roger Prieto, Michael Krizan, Rob Fraser, Tweed Schade & the Sugar Daddies, Rob Paparozzi, Todd Lanka, HoneyBoy Dupree, The Congregation, Alan Rogoff, Jimmy Somma, Dean Shot, Big Boy Kenny Nerbak, Duane Chez and the list goes on and on...
We've also had the enviable opportunity of being able to showcase new, upcoming stars like John Powers, The Wiliamzboy, Kelly Caruso, Kate Weber and literally hundreds of (if not more) enthusiastic and talented players and singers, young and old, too numerous to mention here.
Today I want to recognize someone, who from the behind the scenes, as well as from on the stage, has been instrumental in keeping American Roots ticking.
I first knew Ed Pampani (pic) as a photographer, but soon learned he was a damned good drummer, too, AND a wonderful human being.

I think it was BB, who commented after jamming with Ed one night,"man, this guy's a time piece." And that's what Ed Pampani is - a time piece - and just as steady.
Ed Pampani has helped spread the American Roots Movement message with his myspace, blog and other internet presences and along with Win and his camera, Ed Pampani and his camera have been to all of the American Roots Live celebrations from 1 thru 29.
When you come to an American Roots Live show, say hello to Ed. He is indeed a pleasant symmetry and I am proud to call him my friend. We should all be thankful that he is a friend of American Roots. Thank you Ed Pampani.
We'll talk more about Ed and other "behind the scenes American Rooters" like Win and Robert Z and others in coming posts, but for now, we hope to see you soon.
Keeping it real,
We've had the honor and privilege of hearing and playing with some of the most incredible, veteran musicians anywhere, like Johnny Charles, BB Brauswetter, Mike Caruso, Lee Fink, Gene Downin, Jake Jar el, Mike Flynn, Spiros Soukis, Roger Prieto, Michael Krizan, Rob Fraser, Tweed Schade & the Sugar Daddies, Rob Paparozzi, Todd Lanka, HoneyBoy Dupree, The Congregation, Alan Rogoff, Jimmy Somma, Dean Shot, Big Boy Kenny Nerbak, Duane Chez and the list goes on and on...
We've also had the enviable opportunity of being able to showcase new, upcoming stars like John Powers, The Wiliamzboy, Kelly Caruso, Kate Weber and literally hundreds of (if not more) enthusiastic and talented players and singers, young and old, too numerous to mention here.
Today I want to recognize someone, who from the behind the scenes, as well as from on the stage, has been instrumental in keeping American Roots ticking.
I first knew Ed Pampani (pic) as a photographer, but soon learned he was a damned good drummer, too, AND a wonderful human being.

I think it was BB, who commented after jamming with Ed one night,"man, this guy's a time piece." And that's what Ed Pampani is - a time piece - and just as steady.
Ed Pampani has helped spread the American Roots Movement message with his myspace, blog and other internet presences and along with Win and his camera, Ed Pampani and his camera have been to all of the American Roots Live celebrations from 1 thru 29.
When you come to an American Roots Live show, say hello to Ed. He is indeed a pleasant symmetry and I am proud to call him my friend. We should all be thankful that he is a friend of American Roots. Thank you Ed Pampani.
We'll talk more about Ed and other "behind the scenes American Rooters" like Win and Robert Z and others in coming posts, but for now, we hope to see you soon.
Keeping it real,
Great to see Ed getting a pat on the back, well deserved. He is a great guy and not a bad drummer either! He is probably getting a lot of good playing time with some great musicians! Go get'Ed!
BTW thanks for the T-Shirt & package!
It was very thoughtful! I got a package headed your way soon. And Podcasting Starts Halloween night! more info coming. Thanks Brother!
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