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ARL Roots Review 87

Words alone can't describe the incredible week of live music we experienced over the holidays at American Roots Live and Writers in Raritan. Here's a photo taste of how we celebrated the music and rang in the new year...

My heart is filled with hope and happiness for all of us in 2008.

Happy New Year!

Photos; Ed Pampani and pic:win

Photos include: Lee Fink, Sweeter than Honey; Ruth, Sam & Josh Rios, Mark Bodino, Plainfield Slim & Ned, Mojo Road; Todd & Van, Mike Caruso, Rocco Scavone, Christine Martucci, Melissa Anthony, HoneyBoy Dupree, Ron Seibert, Keith Autocunas, Zacherey Gaviria, Brent Myers, Corey Small, Hershall Dow.

American Roots Live 87's playlist includes: JR Bradfield, Aster Pheonyx, HoneyBoy Dupree, Rhyme & Reason; Jim & Rob, Christine Martucci, Corey Small, Randy Marinelli, Ed Pampani, Hershall Dow, Lee Fink, Plainfield Slim & the Hawgs, Gar Francis, Mike Caruso, Rocco Scavone, Gene Goodman, Mace Gill, Ron Seibert, Zachery Gaviria, David Alles, Mimi Nowak, Gerry Perlinski, The Mark Bodino Band; Mark, Jack & Robert, Sweeter than Honey; Ruth, Sam & Josh Rios, Tommy Toye, Mojo Road; Ken, Nick, Todd & Van, Chris Mongiello, Billy K, Brent Meyers, Eric Meyers, Robert Zee, Joe Salerno, John Breen, Chaz.

Writers in Raritan: Melissa Anthony, Corey Small, Christine Martucci, Frank Victor

Shout out to Jim Beckerman, the Noisy Neighbors, Blue Moon Cafe, Walter, Adrian, Rick, Karin, Orphan Annie's, Denise, Joe, DeCicco's, Win, EP, Tracey Stones, Pat and everybody that works to keep music live and alive.

Keeping it real,


I'll spell check in the morning - it's midnight - Happy New Year!


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