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ARL Roots Review 83

Bang. Bang.

In less time than it took the pilgrims to pop-off a couple of turkeys, invite the locals, ingest, digest and recover, we pulled the trigger on a holiday celebration of roots music; a party in two parts, rivaled by no other, that included everybody and left all wanting seconds.

Here's Brother Dave, above, from Manhattan Island who came in with bluesman Jake Walker to dish it out. He's not flippin' you the bird, he's tearin' off a piece of greazy Telecaster, like only he can for everyone to enjoy.

Much to the delight of American Roots Live revellers, New York City's Jake Walker handled an acoustic twelve string as if it were an electric 6 string serving up biting solos and easy to swallow blues with all the trimmings.

I just had to get me some of that good feeling, too so I jumped into the serving line to do my part.

One thing we're all thankful for is that we don't have to wait for one time per year to party... we celebrate all we have to be thankful for twice a week at Orphan Annie's - once every Thursday at 9 and again every Sunday at 8. And there's always plenty of good vibe to go around.

And as if that's not enough, we also celebrate music on Wednesday nights, too, at Writers in Raritan. Here we feature the best singer-songwriters available in solo, acoustic performance of original song.

Writers in Raritan on November 28 is a "can't miss" show.

Do all you can to get to DeCicco's at 10 Anderson St. in Raritan to hear Tommy Fuller, Michael Brett, Chuck Schaeffer and Briz. They'll bear their souls for you, guaranteed and you will go home full and thankful.

ARL 83's playlist included: Jake Walker, Brother Dave, JR Bradfield, Ed Pampani, Snakeman Runyan, Keith Autocunas, Lisa Batruch, Hershall Dow, Mordechai Jones, Paul Marinelli, Ron Seibert, Ed Avilia, Randy Marinelli, Corey Small, Mimi Nowak, Tal Patton, Joe Salerno, Carl Botti, Rob Kopp, Joe DeRogattis, Jon Mei, Stix Obremski, Tommy Toye, Johnny Thompson, Chris O'Sullivan, Roy Macnamara, Dan Brickley, Doug Ivey, Chaz, Gene Goodman, Carl Marcantonio and Rich Keorner.

Thanks to Ed for the photos and all who give live music a good name. Looking forward to seeing you soon again.

Keeping it real,


Corey Small performs at American Roots Live 83.

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