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Roots Review 18

American Roots Live 18 was bittersweet - joyous, yet sad. Joy came from the music, musicians, enthusiastic fans and the realization that we are piloting a worthy cause - the preservation of our American Roots music of the 20th century. Sad because we had to say good-bye to the Rail as we continue to expand and move forward.

Our heartfelt thanks and sincere gratitude go out the the owners, management and staff of the Rail for being so supportive of the American Roots cause and for giving us a venue to launch our movement. Forever grateful - thank you to the Rail.

But, as usual, American Roots Live 18 was another night of mesmerizing musical magic.

Thank you to the following acts and players: John Powers & the Arturos, Johnny Charles, Jamie Flynn, ATypical Situation, Mike Caruso, Ed Pampani, JR Bradfield, Robert, Kelly Caruso, Bernie Brauswetter, Bones Sanford, Jimmy Somma, Marc Wallace, Brad Sicotie, Gene Downin, Chris O'Sullivan and others and all the dedicated supporters and volunteers, Win, Mary Anne, Evan, Amelia Lange, Sue the seamstress, Eddie Ray of Computown and many anonymous others. Also, thanks to Richard Skelly, Elmore Magazine and the Jersey Shore Jazz & Blues Foundation.

See you all at Zupko's Tavern Theater, 450 North Ave. in Dunellen every Tuesday night, 8PM for American Roots 19 and beyond - until "baby needs a new pair of shoes, again."

Keeping it real,



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