NASTY NED / ROOTS 52 CD is available from all major North American retailers and internet outlets everywhere. ...use the links below to find where in the world Nasty Ned's releases can be purchased:


ARL 91

photos: Ed Pampani

Robert C. "Bobby" Malavenda
November 19, 1963 - January 26, 2008

Bobby not only brought us the Wiliamzboy and American Halo, and donated the guitar that was autographed and raffled raising money for brother Harry Okie, he brought energy, vision, dedication and eagerness to help American Roots Live do its work. His performances on the ARL stage were always inspiring. He will be sadly missed but never forgotten.

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ARL 90 pics

Photo credit:
ARL & Wir, pic:win; ARL: Ed Pampani; Pic of Ed playing drums: Amy Franza

ARL 88 & 89 pics

ARL 88's playlist included JR Bradfiled, Ed Pampani, Joe Cerisano, Ed Avilia, Todd Johnson, Van Thorne, Aster Pheonyx, Stix Obremski, Ron Seibert, Randy MArinelli, Corey Small, The No Names, Mimi Nowak, Keith Autocunas, Bill Bruesch, Pat Scarangella, Jill Gasco, Robert Zee, Robby Z, Ron Michaels, Bob Ricky, Tommy Toye, Pam Sax, Chris O'Sullivan, Chet Smith, Bill Cherensky, Chris Mongiello - WiR Chuck Schaeffer, Pete Carril, Kelly Carvin, Scott Thomas Webster.

ARL 89's playlist included Ed Pampani, JR Bradfield, Joe Cerisano, Randy Marinelli, Keith Autocunas, Tommy Toye, Johnny Thompson, Tim Ludwig, Ron Seibert, Corey Small, Chris Mongiello, Hershall Dow, Mordechai Jones, Rich Peterson, Steve Pozz, Frank Cerulli, Gerry Perlinski, Aster Pheonyx, Robert Zee, Cheryl D - WiR Peter Prasa, Sheli Aarden, Joe Cerisano, Tommy Fuller.

-photos: ARL Ed Pampani -- ARL & WiR pic:win


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